Home Fashion Netherlands’ inflation rate falls to 4.4% in March 2023: CBS

Netherlands’ inflation rate falls to 4.4% in March 2023: CBS

Netherlands’ inflation rate falls to 4.4% in March 2023: CBS


Consumer price index (CPI) measured inflation rate in the Netherlands has slowed down from 8 per cent in February to an estimated 4.4 per cent in March 2023, according to a flash estimate by Statistics Netherlands (CBS). In February 2023, consumer goods were 8 per cent more expensive than the previous year.

An inflation rate of 4.4 per cent in March 2023 means that prices of consumer products were on average 4.4 per cent higher than in March 2022.

Inflation in the Netherlands fell to an estimated 4.4 per cent in March 2023 from 8 per cent in February, according to CBS.
The CPI for March is expected to show a 4.4 per cent YoY increase in the cost of consumer goods.
Non-energy industrial goods saw an annual rate of price growth of 8.8 per cent in March, slightly lower than February’s 8.7 per cent.

In terms of price development of product goods, the annual rate of price growth in the country’s non-energy industrial goods was 8.8 per cent in March 2023 and 8.7 per cent in February 2023, as per CBS.

According to the HICP flash estimate, inflation stood at 4.5 percent in March. This was 8.9 percent in February.

Fibre2Fashion News Desk (DP)


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