Home Health 6 food combinations and dips for healthy snacking during weight loss

6 food combinations and dips for healthy snacking during weight loss

6 food combinations and dips for healthy snacking during weight loss


Weight loss has a lot to do with what we eat. It’s best to keep a distance from some of our favourite unhealthy foods, including fast food to refined sugar-based delights. But if you are a foodie, it could be challenging for you to restrain your urges. In such a situation, it is crucial to include foods that are both healthy and delicious so that they can aid in weight management and curb cravings from the very beginning. Here are some wholesome dips and food combinations that will help you in weight loss, tame your appetite and help you follow healthy snacking.

Food combinations and dips for healthy snacking

The search for healthy snacks while trying to manage your calorie intake can get tough. So, here are 3 food combinations for snacking during your weight loss journey.

1. Apple and peanut butter

The combination of apple and peanut butter can be a favourite option of every fitness freak. After all, what could be a better snack option if you could enjoy the sweet and creamy flavour and gain health advantages at the same time?

healthy snacking
Snacking the right way can help you to keep those extra kilos away. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) notes that while apples contain a significant amount of fiber, peanuts also provide fiber and plant-based protein in addition to healthy fats. All these nutrients make this a healthy snack option.

Also read: Weight loss tips: Healthy snacks you can have before and after a workout

2. Cheese and fruit

Paneer is regarded as the best source of protein, according to Food Data Central. One cup of paneer has roughly 24 grams of protein. A wonderful way to enjoy seasonal fruits is to pair paneer with your favourite fruit. It is the ideal snack due to the fruit’s sweetness and the paneer’s tangy, creamy texture. The protein and fats of paneer combined with the fiber of fruits will make it a great weight loss food combination.

3. Chia pudding

Breakfast may be made even better with chia pudding. Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, plant-based protein, and fiber.

healthy snacking
Chia seeds can be used in many ways. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

To make chia pudding, mix 15 grams of overnight soaked chia seeds with 1/4 cup of fat-free milk. Then mix it with half a teaspoon of peanut butter, one teaspoon of honey, and 1/2 cup of mixed berries. Prepare it and refrigerate it for an hour.

Here are 3 healthy dips for weight loss snacking:

1. Avocado dip

What could be more ideal for a creamy, nutritious dip than avocado? To prepare this dip, you have to add one spoonful of apple cider vinegar and some herbs to the avocado. The creamy and tangy taste of avocado will aid in weight loss by balancing your cravings. According to Food Data Central, avocado is the ideal dip due to its high fiber and high fat content. It goes well with any food.

Also read: 5 yummy but healthy snacks for ‘chhoti moti bhook’

2. Healthy chocolate dip

Chocolate dip is the best recipe to control your sweet cravings. For this, you have to mix semi-sweet chocolate chips with fat-free milk and coconut oil. You can also use dark chocolate instead of chocolate chips.

healthy snacking
Chocolate dip can be really delicious! Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

It has been suggested that eating dark chocolate and semi-sweet chocolate chips will help you lose weight. Also, its creamy taste with fat-free milk makes it a perfect substitute for your fruit.

3. Pesto dip

Healthy pasta, sandwich rice, and salads go well with pesto dip. Combine basil, olive oil, roasted garlic, pine nuts, and low-fat cheese for this. Creamy and flavorful pesto dip is the best choice to curb your unwanted weight loss cravings.




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