Home Beauty Feather & Down Pillow Spray

Feather & Down Pillow Spray

Feather & Down Pillow Spray


[unpaid/sample/affiliate/ad] I’m really in favour of intention being the most important part of gifting – if what you know your recipient needs is some special time to themselves to pamper and relax and your gift provides that, the job is absolutely done. I thought initially, when I started receiving emails about Feather & Down, that it was a bedding brand (I get all sorts in my inbox so it didn’t feel surprising), but it soon became clear that it was all about pampering without blowing your budget.

Feather & Down Pillow Spray

The bath essence is more chamomile than lavender although there are sweet notes peeping through. It’s earthy,  grounding and thoroughly pleasurable especially combined with generous foam. I’d give my towels a big spritz of Pillow Spray before wrapping up and actually, I did think that a new, fluffy towel would be a great accompaniment to both of these pamper products. The pillow spray has notes of eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, lavender and chamomile. If the intention is to persuade someone toward me-time, these products tick that box. They are available at Superdrug and Boots and I can’t keep up with the price changes and offers but it looks like the most tempting offers are at Boots where the pillow spray is on offer from £7 to £4.67 HERE.


I’m including Invisibobble in this post because if you wanted to bump up the gift, everyone with hair except the very shortest needs to tie it up when immersed in a foamy bath! You know when foam gets in your hair right by your ears and it somehow amplifies the sound of scrunches and pops – eeh – I don’t like that! (I don’t much like a shower cap either which seems to make everything hotter and louder).

Tie ups and barrettes are super useful especially if you’re popping on a face mask and I always use Invisibobble to tie my hair before sleep. I love this sparkly gold pair of barrettes and the shiny star struck scrunchie – a double scrunchie set is £10 HERE.  The barrettes are £10 HERE.

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All products are sent to me as samples from brands and agencies unless otherwise stated. Affiliate links may be used. Posts are not affiliate driven.


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